Sep 7, 2022Liked by Reed Coverdale

I deleted Twitter so I cannot respond to the tweet.. the mean tweets should continue. Americans are fucking morons and if the television won’t tell us what we’re supporting by not being vehemently against it, we should be the biggest assholes on the planet, knocking on their brains saying “look at the little girl you just blew up.” People are despicable.

It’s not happening to you, to your neighbors, in your county, so it doesn’t matter. This is like child trafficking. It didn’t just go away with Jeffery Epstein. 🤬🤬🤬🤬☢️🥺😭

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The trip was fantastic and i couldnt thank you enough for inviting me Reed and props to Eric Jackman who is a fantastic impressionist. Both of you are really awesome people.

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