Reed, im becoming more impressed with your skills of creative writing and constructing how your story flows. This was probably one of the best articles you have summarized so far. Thank you for sharing it. The establishment Left portrays itself as the "moral" compass in the political spectrum, but, as you clearly outlined it in these few examples, they are a spiritually broken sect of government.

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HOT FIRE, dude! One of your best yet.

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You missed this little nuance about Trump's attacks on Syria.

Trump sent 70 armed Tomahawk missiles to a Russian base in Syria at the beginning of his term. They exploded on contact.

Vlad took no territory for 4 years.

The attack was strategic. A brush off. It worked.


My view of politics. (why it works so poorly)


Abused children run the world. Hitler. Stalin. Putin.

Some abused children crave power and control. Inordinately. They go into politics.

Others want their revenge more directly and personally.

Gangsters are abused children.

The God of abused children is Satan.

They are heartless.

Thus child traffickers. Mass murder. And everything else.

All the intel agencies of the world are tied to all the mafias of the world.

"The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade" by Alfred McCoy first published in 1972 there are free pdfs on the www


One other thing. Democrats are the party of abused children. The deviant sex and drugs are a tell. I do not hold it against them.

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Now you can do "The Moral Bankruptcy of Politics"

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Kamil Galeev did a series of tweets on the Gangsters running Russia. A very good backgrounder.

Russia has a gangster culture.


Russian culture


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