It was a tough pill to swallow for me and I’m still in partial denial

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I think I’ve slowly reached more or less the same conclusions. It’s been an interesting ride for sure. Great to see you tacking some writing, I hope to see more!

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Definitely a disembarkment, Reed. Quite the manifesto—clear and forthcoming. I trust it will be a good voyage.

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The irony is it was Tulsi Gabbard and Donald Trump that led me to become an Ancap. I cannot go back; nor do I want to. I am now in the camp of Spooner, Stiner, Mises, Hoppe, and Rothbard. Having a No State is better than the State we have now. Having No President is better than the one we have now. Having No Constitution is better than the one we have now. Having This Reed is better than the Reed we had before.

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I’ve missed you on Twitter and this is the first article I’ve seen by you. I appreciate your perspective!

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libertarians are still sleepwalking through life i see

still talking about the "28 pages" from the 9/11 report as if that wasn't a super-obvious limited hangout.

most of the people mentioned in this article were probably wearing masks in 2020 like a bunch of clowns.

his big come to Jesus moment is being a little bit more hardline on not accepting American foreign policy. meanwhile children are being genocided with vaccines. great. thanks libertarians.

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The president doesn’t have much control over vaccines and the power that Trump did have he used to fast track it through Operation Warpspeed.

The president mostly has power over foreign policy

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