You Don't Care
If you actually cared, you would try to steer the conversation in the right direction
We are currently engaged in an increasingly hostile cold war on two fronts, one with Russia in Ukraine and the other with China in Taiwan. On top of that, we are still aiding Saudi Arabia in a blockade of Yemen that has been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, a large number of them children. We still give Israel their annual 3 to 4 billion dollars and stand by every single attack on the Palestinians, and on top of all of this our own country is plagued by rampant inflation, civil unrest, and headed full speed toward financial and social collapse. But what does the media want you to give a shit about? Hijab protesters in Iran.
Now, it is a completely normal human function to feel sympathy for women in Iran who are subject to ridiculous religious regulations like mandatory hijab wearing, especially when it ultimately results in a death. But I will remind you that there are similar practices in Saudi Arabia, including honor killings, throwing gay people off roofs, and severe penalties for apostasy, a country that receives billions in weapons deals funded by your tax dollars every year.
Though I’m an atheist, I still take some biblical principles to heart, one being “remove the log from your own eye before removing the speck from your neighbor’s.” We are in absolutely no position to criticize the government of Iran while we actively fund and prop up a theocratic monarchy like Saudi Arabia. This would be like the Republicans criticizing the Democrats for spending too much money (oh well I guess that analogy will be lost on most of the public).
But if you must care about Iran instead of your own country or all the horrific acts of genocide and displacement that your government is instrumenting through other governments around the world, consider this: our sanctions and our military moves against Iran have done nothing but instill patriotism within the citizens of the country. Sanctions give the Iranian government an excuse to blame the hardships of the people on a foreign entity instead of their own policies.
If you truly care for the people of Iran, you’ll read Scott Horton’s book Enough Already, Time to End the War on Terror and teach yourself a history lesson. You’ll learn that a coup from the US Government installing the Shah during Operation AJAX in 1953 has led to the conditions the Iranian people live under today. The best thing you can do for the people of Iran is demand that the current administration lift all sanctions on the country, and stop bullying them around at the behest of Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Regardless of whether or not this uprising is completely grassroots and organic, the US Government and intelligence agencies will ONLY use it to benefit their interests and to install a puppet government. THEY DO NOT CARE about human suffering. They fund Islamic terrorist groups like Ahrar Al-Sham in Syria, neo-nazi groups like Zvoboda and the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, and they’ll happily murder children in their sleep to obtain their political goals. Don’t give them ammunition.
Ask yourself what good you as an individual are doing if you go about parroting CIA talking points and regime change-sympathetic discussion surrounding Iran. It is very obvious that the intention is regime change from the uniparty and permanent Washington. Every sane person knows that Sharia Law and Hijab mandates are awful, so why not steer the conversation in the right direction? What can YOU as a US Citizen do? You can demand that YOUR government stop sanctioning these people, and that YOUR government stop aiding Israel and Saudi Arabia, two enormous antagonists toward Iran.
Always ask yourself if you’re acting as a useful idiot for the regime, or if you’re actually steering the conversation in a meaningful direction. Imagine your only contribution to the conversation in 2003 was “Saddam was a bad guy.” How useless was your voice if that’s what you did instead of protesting the war?
Hey now Reed, there's only room for one Current Thing at a time!
Hi Reed, thanks for that.. respectfully, the general handling and response of the morality police doesn't include a death penalty for women without correct or no hijab. It's very usually a small fee and at most an unpleasant irratation. Sorry, I didn't want to shift the focus of your article at all, just wanted to mention this. Good work as usual. Regards