After a man made virus with less than a one percent fatality rate began spreading across the country in 2020, Congress passed the CARES Act, a 2.7 trillion dollar spending bill that mostly padded the pockets of corporations and special interest groups under the guise of “containing the virus.” As the year continued, state governments instituted lockdowns and social distancing measures that were not based on scientific data and that anyone with any understanding of economics knew would wipe out the middle class.
Then after the death of George Floyd, riots broke out across the country. Billions of dollars in private property owned by people who had nothing to do with police brutality or criminal justice were destroyed. Not just Targets and Arby’s, but local car dealers, mechanic shops, thrift stores, and hair salons.
And throughout that “summer of love” the federal government continued to tax the working class of this country into oblivion and fund religious extremist “allies” like Saudi Arabia and Israel to drum up more unnecessary conflicts in the Middle East, and keep us in Afghanistan longer than we needed to be.
Then in December of 2020, as everyone was preparing for Christmas, Congress rammed through a 2.4 trillion dollar spending bill that was over 5.5 thousand pages long in just a matter of hours. There was no time to possibly read it, it was the second largest spending bill in history right after the CARES Act, and what information had been found in the bill showed that it was not helping the people at all.
I made a short video summarizing everything we knew about the bill right after it had passed Congress with almost no opposition, and Trump decided to initially come out against it. Shortly after Christmas, Trump capitulated and signed the bill. I was furious. I’m no advocate for stimulus, but if you’re going to lock the people down and not let them work, how can you still tax them, and then send most of the money overseas, and then give them crumbs and call it stimulus?
To me, this was worthy of revolution. This garbage bill that Congress had passed and that the President had signed seemed a much larger transgression than a tea tax in the 1700’s. Two weeks after this, the halls of Congress were taken by a mostly unarmed mob of Trump supporters. Lawmakers cowered in fear, and the media drummed the riot up into being an “insurrection.”
As most of you know, I am no Trump supporter. I never voted for him, in fact I was one of his strongest detractors (albeit for the right reasons) and I have also consistently disregarded the “stolen election” claims as I believe they are a distraction from focusing on why Democrats actually legally win elections. But the purpose of the protest is not what is important to me.
I like seeing these murderous, thieving monsters crawling on the floor, terrified that the game is up and they might be at the mercy of an angry mob. The truth is they deserve far worse than anything the Trump supporters could have given them.
The reaction to January 6th has also been ridiculous. The media has tried to make it out to be the new 9/11 or the new Pearl Harbor. We have heard endless caterwauling from politicians who cry at the thought of our “holy temple of democracy” that was desecrated on that day. I find it strange that a country with half a billion guns had an insurrection with only a couple Glocks.
On top of that, many of the same people who had excused away all the looting of innocent people’s businesses and the destruction of their livelihoods from riots decided to come out in full force to condemn the fact that Congress got scared for about 20 minutes and lost a podium and some windows.
Merriam Webster defines terrorism as “the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion.” For how often this term is used to describe January 6th, I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a better definition for Congress.
How dare these terrorist thieves gaslight into thinking that January 6th should even register on the list of events that have happened over the last two years? Over 100 billion dollars of our hard earned money going to a corrupt foreign country, endangering our lives by possibly starting nuclear war? Congress condemned the violence on January 6th and then bombed Syria two weeks later. For the last 9 years they have been aiding the Saudis in their genocide against Yemen. They overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 and installed a puppet. The United States Federal Government is the largest perpetrator of terrorism on the planet.
I want everyone to hate Congress as much as I do, and I don’t want them to ever forget all the pain and suffering they’ve put us through, and that they put the whole world through.
Merry Insurrection!
LOvely piece of pure indignation, only possible when weighing up in truth